How I Earned a Chanel Bag By "Getting It Wrong"

What is up BFFs! I am back from Georgia and Sales Girl Summit and you guys should see my notebook. I have about 3/4ths of the notebook filled up with notes and takeaways and I am still digesting everything that happened. Still, one of those things that happened I am going to be talking about on today’s blog!

This week’s is actually Salesgirl Summit adjacent because the next Sell Your Offer Challenge is coming up in the next couple of weeks and it’s the best-kept secret on the internet, for real for real.

I took their Sell Your Offer Challenge back in March and to say it changed my life is an understatement. In last week’s post, I mentioned how getting ready every day has changed my life, and getting ready every day is actually what led me to do the SYCO itself.

It’s a 5 day challenge where you in fact, SELL YOUR OFFER and you might be thinking “Well Kate I don’t have an offer. I am a VA” or “I’m a service provider” or “I’m not a VA” yet because a lot of times people think of offers as deliverables. A course, a product, etc.

But an offer is whatever it is you have created to help someone else and you are compensated for it! So if you are a VA, it’s your services. And the ability to have sales skills when it comes to selling your services as a VA is not only important it is critical.

So in this 5-day challenge that the Sales Girls run, you get tangible tips and coaching on how to sell your offer, which in your case is likely your VA services. What this means for you is that you get to shorten the learning curve of what it looks like to actually land clients, and you’ll be able to book more contracts faster to create the income you are looking to create in your business.

After I took this challenge, I not only felt different about the true value I had to offer through my offers, but I was more confident in sharing and communicating that AND 2 weeks after the challenge we had our highest launch of our program yet because I implemented what The Salesgirls taught throughout the challenge.

And I am going to get really real with you. Macy and Kat have no idea I am talking bout the SYOC in this blog or on my podcast. Lol No clue! But I have gotten such a transformation since working with them, starting with the challenge — I can’t gatekeep this info. If you are building a business and you want to sell an offer or book clients, you have to get into the next one. It’s July 15-19 and you can find my affiliate link here. I personally did the VIP enrollment which I think is worth it 10000x because you get to ask Macy questions directly before each call so you can be specific and she can coach you on what you are thinking/trying to do, but there is a GA option as well!

Alright so speaking of the Salesgirls. Today this blog post is a little bit of a story time and a lot a bit about lessons learned. If you follow me on Instagram you might have seen while I was at SGS, I earned a Chanel bag. Now two things: 1) note that I said earned, and 2) note that two weeks ago when I was out shopping with some girlfriends, I said the words, “Yeah I don’t know, I don’t think I am a designer purse kinda gal”. Well if you didn’t know (I didn’t either lol) Chanel is like a level of its own. It’s like, the queen of designer bags according to the gals I talked to at the conference and who know more about designer bags than I do. So for someone who “isn’t a designer bag girl”… I’m walking around with the most designer bag I could probably ever dream of owning.

So anyway at the summit, on Day 1 — Macy who’s one of the Salesgirls, brought a Chanel box onto the stage. Now listen, as someone who isn’t a designer bag girl, my heart started to race a little bit as she did the unboxing she was doing. And then she pulled out a Chanel bag and held it out towards the audience.

Now to paint the picture a bit more, I am sitting 3 rows away from the stage dead center. Which is a great seat right?! Well, it’s a great seat until you realize that there’s a gal on stage who is holding out a designer bag because she wants someone to get up and come take it from her.

During this whole thing, Macy is talking about how wealth loves speed. And contemplation is the energy of implementation. How when we want something, we have to go get it.

“She wants someone to come up and take the bag”.

My heart started to pick up a little bit more and I could feel myself resisting the urge to stand up and get on stage and take the bag because:

“What if that wasn’t what she wanted?”
“What if I embarrass myself?”

and even:
“That bag isn’t for me.”

At this point, no one has gotten up yet but you could kinda feel this energy like people wanted to.

And then Macy said something else that was like OMG SHE WANTS SOMEONE TO GET THE BAG so I jumped up but by the time I had stood up, and realized I couldn’t get out of the row fast enough, a gal had gotten up there and gotten the bag.

All night the fact that I knew and didn’t get up bothered me.

That feeling of, “I should have listened to my gut and didn’t and now I’m annoyed.”

But what bothered me the most was that I was afraid of getting it wrong, and embarrassing myself so much that I didn’t move until it was too late.

Have you ever felt like that? Like you are hesitant or thinking, “What if I fail” so much that you never actually go after what it is you know in your gut you should do. So many people feel that way and sometimes you get a second chance and sometimes you don’t and that’s just the way life goes, ya know?

The next day I was still so bothered by my not listening to my gut and trusting myself that I ended up sitting on the end of the 3rd row from the stage so that if I did get a second chance at any opportunity, no matter what it was, I would be ready to listen and get up. I didn’t think there would be another Chanel bag by any means that’s for dang sure but I knew there would probably be something and I wanted to prove to myself that I could move when presented with that chance.

The summit day 2 starts and as Kat is winding down her talk, she mentions that she wants to do something. She starts to talk about how several gals had said they knew that Macy wanted someone to do the day before but hesitated and was, “waiting for permission so they didn’t move” as she is talking she pulls out a gift bag with a black box inside from off stage.

At this point, I basically blacked out lol. Before I knew it I was on the stairs of the stage to the left and all of a sudden a guy who had been sitting in the front row, his name is Tony, shoutout to him — was taking the bag from Kat. I remember seeing him with the bag and then a couple of other gals on the other side of the stage stopped walking and for a second I thought, “Well I’ll just let Tony have his moment, etc etc” and as soon as I was about to walk off and something came over me, I can’t explain it and I bolted up to the stage and grabbed onto the bag as well.

Y’all I am an Enneagram 9. I am a peacemaker, I don’t like conflict, I am constantly letting other people go before me… but this day I just refused to NOT give it everything I had. Not to grab an opportunity that I had a second chance at.

At this point, Tony and I are both holding the bag. I don’t remember hearing anyone say anything really, but I remember thinking, “Okay he is holding the bag so what if I just reached in and grabbed the box”. And that’s exactly what I did.

At this point, Tony basically let me have it haha. After he saw me go for the box he smiled and just let me take it. His wife was watching the virtual summit online and afterwards, he just said he would buy his wife a Chanel instead. So go him lol.

But here’s the thing — it was never about the Chanel. I didn’t even know what this purse looked like, it was in a box. I really didn’t care so much about the name of the purse or the price tag on it — what getting this purse meant for me was that while I got it wrong yesterday… while I didn’t listen to my gut and trust myself to MOVE and take ACTION yesterday, I wasn’t going to let that happen again.

It was a really cool moment, being able to open the box on stage with Kat and Kat just sharing with me how she hopes when I look at the bag it reminds me of the salesgirl identity and the best version of myself that I was stepping into. And man, was she right.

I have a long history of hesitation.

A long history of being indecisive or holding back when I know God is calling me to MOVE and take ACTION.

And in this case with the Chanel, it was really just a game with a prize… but a lot of times it’s a lot more serious than that because this is our LIFE. And I’m curious how often you have a dream in your heart or you see an opportunity you want to go for or you feel like God is asking you to move and step into your purpose and you hesitate?

Sure, sometimes we get it wrong. We make the wrong decision, or things don’t go the way we planned, or we don’t see the success we want right away, or whatever it might be. But that’s the whole point.

Getting it wrong helps us position ourselves to get it right the next time.

It allows us to learn from the experience and decide that if and when we are given another chance at an opportunity, we move instead of standstill.

In business, in life, in parenting, etc — we are going to get it wrong. But the beautiful thing about it all is that there will be another time when we can get it right IF and only IF we learn from the last time and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

We aren’t going to always get permission from someone else to go after what it is we want. Honestly, rarely will we ever.  But our purpose, our goals, our dreams, everything that is made for us is out there is we just start walking toward it without hesitation. Because while I believe that what is meant for us, will find us — I also believe that we won’t get to experience the fullness of it until we take hold of it.

So that’s the story of the Chanel — lol. It’s a fun one, an experience I’ll never forget. And I hope you enjoyed hearing the backstory and are leaving this episode feeling a little more encouraged to look around you and see what opportunities you know in your gut are for you, but you’re hesitating to accept. Maybe today is the day that you move.


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