My Favorite Apps For Work and Home

In today’s technology, we have instant access to apps in literally the palm of our hands. To be honest, before I sat down to write this blog post I didn’t realize how many of apps I use on a very regular (almost daily) basis.

So here we go, a list of eleven apps I use and LOVE to stay organized between work and home! Let’s get started. 👇🏻

Google Calendar

Okay hear me out: I used to be a paper planner girl ALL THE WAY. Colored pens, stickers, the whole kit and caboodle. But after I became a mom and started a new, very fast-paced career, and while my paper planner was pretty, and there was nothing like filling it out week after week… it wasn’t working for me. I needed something that was with me at all times, that was shareable, and something that could integrate all areas of my life instantly. So this year, I dove all into Google Calendar and I could go as far as saying, it changed my life. It can be shared across calendars with other people (I share mine with my husband and visa versa), it integrates with other apps I use daily, and I can still color code it because…. ✨aesthetics✨. My daily to-do list also lives in my Google Calendar classified as “tasks”!

Notes App

I use iOs for everything (iPhone, iPad, and Macbook) so using the Notes app is super handy because it syncs to all of my devices! I primary use it during my buyer consults and listing appointments to take notes on my clients wants and needs for their home buying/selling experience, but also as a place to just jot down random things throughout the day that I need to put somewhere!


I waited WAY to long to jump on the Planoly train, but now that I have, I am in love! Not only does this website/app help you plan out your content for social media, but you can schedule it and it will autopost as well which I have found extremely helpful especially on weeks where I have lots of showings or appointments! It helps me stay consistent with posting and marketing which is key when building your business on social platforms.


Maybe the least sexy app… or is it? 😏
I just recently started using QuickBooks mostly to keep track of my receipts for business transactions. They make it super easy to just snap a picture and store the information instead of having to hang on to a Ziplock bag of paper receipts.


This is a really great tool for business owners who book calls and meetings with clients! You can create many different types of calls that people can schedule, and then post the link to social media, in a QR code, on your website, in your email marketing, and more! Plus you can upload your availability from your Google Calendar so that calls cannot be booked during times you already have things scheduled, and appointments that do get booked, automatically get added to your Google Calendar! Also, if you are doing the call via Zoom or Google Meets, it can automatically create a link for you and your client. Plus, you can create an intake form or questionnaire right there within the landing page so you know more about the person and what the meeting is for AND if you have a fee associated with your calls, people can pay right when they book! I use this for my home buying consults, listing appointments, and prospective agent calls!

Google Sheets

If you love a good spreadsheet, raise your hand! 🙋🏼‍♀️ I use Google Sheets for SO much, including lead funnels, income tracking, and allllll of my content banks for the blog, social media, and email marketing! One of my favorite ways to use Google Sheets is to use it as a massive brain dump for content. I have all of my topics and ideas written out, and when I am not sure what to post or write about, I can go to that sheet and pull from the bank of ideas! Then, I mark it off the list so I know that I have used that idea.


This is my new favorite photo editing app. I used to use Lightroom, which was also great, and I still have it if I need to use it, but Tezza is the easiest and quickest way to edit photos. They have presents already uploaded for you and you also have the basic editing features like exposure, shadows, and more. I tend to edit my photos using the “Mood 2” around 30-40 intensity, or “Cocoa” at 50 intensity, but maybe increasing the highlights or exposure a little more to brighten it up!


Quite possibly the website/app I have used the longest (besides Facebook)! Pinterest is my one stop shop for all things inspo! Pinterest is basically one big search engine for so many incredible topics and ideas, and I am on it daily. I also use it for business as a lead generation tool for the blog and my businesses!


When it comes to reading fiction books, I stick to my Kindle. But if I want to read personal or professional development, I am likely listening to it on Audible! I can listen to books in the shower, while I’m getting ready, while I’m cleaning or doing the dishes, on a walk, driving to showings, etc. It truly is the only way I can “read” a lot of the time because I can do it when and wherever!

Apple Podcasts / Spotify

This is another place I get a lot of my personal and professional development: PODCASTS! There is so much value in podcasts, and when they are usually 5-20 minutes long, it makes it so you can learn a lot of great tips and listen to advice from experts in the pockets of your day. Plus, it’s FREE!

So that’s a wrap! Those are all of the apps I use on a regular basis to keep myself organized in both my work and home life! Would love to know what apps you love and if you end up trying any of these ones out!


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