Virtual Assistants: Here are Five Posts to Make Sure You Make On Instagram

I’ll start this blog by saying, there are a ton of ways to market your business as a virtual assistant and social media is one of them, and personally, it’s one of my favorites.

It is a free tool you can use in order to spread the word about your business while also connecting and networking with your ideal clients as well as getting to know other business owners that you might have never even known existed if it weren’t for social media!

Now of course there are a ton of different platforms out there, shoot I just heard of a new one last week called Lemon8 which actually looks super fun. But in the 5 years I have been in online business, Instagram has always been my go-to platform.

Let me also mention that social media should NOT be your only method of growing your business. Social media is not a business strategy, it is simply a marketing tool. I always like to ask online business owners, “If Instagram were to disappear tomorrow, would you still have a business?” Most people look at me with this deer-in-the-headlights look and realize no, they wouldn’t!

People's accounts disappear all the time - they get hacked and lose their accounts daily… or we get those random outages & everyone panics lol. So PLEASE do me a favor and do not rely on Instagram or Facebook, or any other social media platform to grow your business. Start building an email list, and get a landing page that you can use off of IG… basically, don’t put all your eggs in one basket!

However, as I said, I am a big fan of Instagram. I have been building businesses using IG for the last 5 years and I have also watched lots of people build businesses using Instagram. It’s a powerful tool when done right, which really means, used consistently.

So in this blog post, I wanted to give you 5 posts you should make sure you post on your IG if you are planning on using it as a marketing tool for your business!

First up:

An Intro Post

This is pretty self-explanatory, but you will want to make sure you have a post introducing yourself! Make sure you use a photo of yourself as well because you want to be personal and let people see who the real YOU is! It is called “social media”... which means you do HAVE to be social. Even just a little bit!

I hate to break it to you, but people don’t hire you because you are the only VA they come across. There are so many virtual assistants out there that they could hire! They hire YOU because you are YOU, and that makes you special. People want to hire someone they can relate to, someone they can trust! So having a post that is a little bit about you, your life, and even some favorite things you love… that will help there

Services & Rates

This post is one I highly recommend especially if you do not have a website just yet! For this one, you can make a series of graphics that are on brand for your business, and list out what it is you offer so as people swipe, they can see everything in one place!

Imagine that you have the first photo be a graphic with a pic of you and then something that says “Services and Rates” or “Rates and Packages”... something like that – and then as you swipe, you see each different offer. And yes, I recommend putting your actual prices. You can say “starting at” if that makes you feel better if you are doing something that is more customizable, but price transparency is a big deal these days, especially in the service provider world.

I know I can speak for myself and tell you that when I am looking at different services or courses or whatever it is online, I want to be able to see the price right then and there to 1) see if I can afford it and if I can’t, this is important – BUT I love the person that is providing whatever the thing is and I really want to work with them… I can budget for it in the future or figure out a way to make it work! That is the reality of so many consumers.

And listen, your rates might be out of budget for people. And that is OKAY! You do not need to be the perfect fit for everyone, you just have to be the perfect fit for the right people.

 I will try and add a couple of examples from students in our program who have created this type of post to this episodes blog post so you can see what I mean visually –  but this is a post, along with your intro, I would recommend “pinning” to the top of your profile. Simply hit the three dots in the top right-hand corner of the post and select “Pin to Profile” OR if you are viewing your profile, hold down one of the posts and then select “Pin to Profile”.

What is a VA?

This is a good one to do in different ways forever and ever. You can do it as a post in Canva, you can do it as a reel with a trending sound, you can post a pic of yourself and type in the caption – this is simply about educating people on what a virtual assistant is, what they do and why they might need one! There are a variety of ways to do this, I will link some examples I have done myself as well in the blog post so you can see some examples. Just remember not to copy and paste! Be YOU and put your own twist on it!

Answering a FAQ or Misconception

This is another education-type post! This is where you can take common questions that people have when it comes to hiring a virtual assistant or what it is you do (hint: these will likely be questions that you yourself had!) and you answer them! These can also be done multiple times and you can do them in multiple formats – it’s best practice to not assume that everyone knows what a VA is and what you do! Think about questions you had or have heard from other people, even if they weren’t directly asked to you, and use those to create content explaining an answer or why what someone thinks might be a misconception or a myth!

Your WHY

This goes back to people wanting to know and trust you before they hire you! Sharing your why and what you are passionate about lets people in and tells a little bit about your story! When you are a VA, people are trusting you with their business. And oftentimes, it is hard to let parts of their business go to someone who might very well be a stranger! The thing is, it’s easier to do so when you know the person you are hiring is not only a good fit for the job and is qualified for what you are asking them to do, but you can see who they are outside of that too!

Alright, now that we have your five I want to bring home a final point - all of these posts should be done multiple times throughout your business. Every few months, even every month for some of them because you can put different twists on them! Not everyone is going to see your content every time you post. It’s something like 1-5% of your followers will actually see your content (which is why we can’t put all our eggs in one basket remember? Diversify your marketing!) so repurpose this content! Give it different twists, use different pictures and graphics, etc. Just because you introduced yourself right when you started your page or you answered that one question that one gal had, doesn’t mean you can’t do it more! I hope you do.


Services Guide Samples


example 1: What is a VA? | @yourbehindthescenesbff

example 2: What is a VA? | @yourbehindthescenesbff

example 3: What is a VA? | @yourbehindthescenesbff

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