How to Get Unstuck

This blog post was inspired by a message I got on Instagram when I asked what you wanted to hear on the podcast and a gal wrote in asking for advice on how to get unstuck. And I think this is such a great convo to be had because no matter where you are at in your business, whether you are just starting out or you are a few months in or even years down the road, there are seasons where you might feel stuck.

No, actually not might. You WILL feel stuck. I think that is a very normal feeling and something so many of us experience so I want to bring it to light today and share with you not only some encouragement around getting unstuck but actual tangible things to think about or ask yourself or DO to help you get out of that feeling. So let’s get into it.

So first off, let’s kinda identify what  “stuck” actually looks and feels like, yeah? And it is going to probably look and sound different to different people but when I think of “feeling stuck” and my seasons of life as well as when I have coaching people on this there are a few things that stand out.

01. Maybe you feel overwhelmed, or maybe even a little burnt out.  Like you can’t get ahead because the point between where you are now and where you want to be feels so far away. So the thought of starting or getting unstuck feels so much harder than actually staying where you are at right now. Even if you know you want something different.

02. Maybe you are stuck on the logistics. You feel like there are so many pieces that have to come together to make something work. Or you have the vision and you know where you want to go, but you aren’t sure how to get there.

03. Fear, doubt, or just that feeling of doing something out of your comfort zone is keeping you stuck… Maybe you are afraid of failure, or like “Will this actually work for me?” Maybe it’s other people’s opinions (lord I could do a whole podcast episode on this one lololol). Maybe it’s the discomfort of being a beginner again. Maybe you’ve had a career or a business or whatever and now you’re making a pivot and you’re like crap I am having to be a beginner again and THAT IS UNCOMFORTABLE, especially for us millennials who grew up with the messaging that we had to decide what we wanted to be when we grew up and then only be that thing for the rest of our lives, ya know?

And maybe, just maybe, it’s a combination of all three of these (plus more). I am raising my hand for this one. When I feel stuck, it’s usually a combo of alllll of this.

No matter how it looks like for you, can we all agree that feeling stuck sucks? Like it’s not a good feeling at all. And like I said I have felt this so many times in not just entrepreneurship but life in general and I think that while it’s something I have struggled with, I have gotten to the point now where I have gotten myself OUT of feeling unstuck so many times that it doesn’t hinder me as much anymore when I do start to feel that way. And because of that, I hope I can give you a little perspective and share these 3 tips I have for getting unstuck:

01. Figure out why you are feeling stuck

Here’s the deal - you cannot get unstuck if you can’t identify what is keeping you stuck. It’s impossible. So figuring out what is actually keeping you stuck is going to be the first step every time. 

This is a really good time to take out a journal and start free writing. For real - grab a fun little drink like a coffee or Olipop or whatever, cozy up, and literally using the prompt “Why do I feel stuck”, start writing. Let whatever comes up, fall onto the paper. And be honest. No one else has to see this so you don’t have to worry about that. Just get your thoughts and feelings out.

Is it because of time or your schedule?

Is it because of some limiting beliefs or thoughts that you are having?

Is it not knowing what the next step is?

Only you can answer this question. And it might take you a few days of sitting with this to really understand and be honest with yourself on what is keeping you stuck. But like I said, this is such an important piece to the puzzle. Without it, we can’t move forward.

02. Make a plan

Okay after you identify what is keeping you stuck, it’s time to make a plan. What do you need to do? A lot of times, I think the easy response to this is “Well I don’t know, I don’t know what I need to do and if I did, I wouldn’t be stuck” and I want to challenge you a little bit if that’s you because that’s been me too.

Do you actually NOT KNOW or does that next step feel scary? Does it feel uncomfortable? Is it going to take you doing something that you aren’t used to doing? I am willing to bet, that you actually do know what you have to do, you just haven’t done it yet, which is what we are going to talk about next.

But if this case you actually don't know the next step, how can you figure it out? If we are talking business, do you need to seek out resources like podcast episodes, blog posts, YouTube videos, etc to figure it out? Do you need to invest in a course or a mentor?

If it’s personal, do you need to talk to your partner, a friend, a family member, etc to get the support you need?

And here is the thing — you don’t have to have it all figured out right now. You do not need to know your 1-year, 5-year, 10-year plan. You just need to know what the next right step is. What’s next? What do you need to do NOW? Not next month, not next year. Now.

The thing about being stuck, is that you will stay there until you make a plan, and move – which is what we are talking about next.

03. Take action

Okay, you have identified why you are stuck, you’ve made a plan for the next step, and now you need to actually take said step.

Did your heart start beating a little faster thinking about doing that?

Overwhelm, fear, doubt – they love it when you stay stuck. They love when you don’t take action on your goals. Wanna know why? Because action makes them go away. 

Action breeds confidence because two things happen:

1 - you see that it really wasn’t that bad. You see that the worst-case scenario either didn’t happen at all OR it did and you survived, right? Someone says no or doesn’t hire you – okay? Moving on! What is for you will find you every single time. It doesn’t mean you failed or this won’t work out. It’s ONE “NO”. Do you know how many times people have to face rejection to get to where they want to go? ALL THE TIME. And if you find yourself not leaning into that reality, or not facing rejection at all – you may not be dreaming big enough.

And the second thing that happens when you take action and it’s you who DOES the work – it starts to fill up that belief bucket. 

Think about when you check something off your to-do list that you have been putting off. Feels good right? And a lot of times, it makes you want to do more. It starts to change the way you are thinking like oh well I did that so I can do the next thing, no biggie.

That’s what it’s like building a business. That’s what it’s like doing something outside your comfort zone.

Okay, the last thing I want to say before I’m done writing this-

I know it feels hard to get unstuck. I know it feels hard to start. I know it feels hard to get uncomfortable. But why did you or why did you want to start in the first place? Why did you decide “Yes this is my solution, I am going to build a business as a VA”. 

Was it because you wanted to have more time with your family?

Was it because you wanted to contribute more financially?

Is it because you want to have an outlet and something of your own outside of motherhood?

Is it because you want to have more freedom and flexibility with your time?

What is it? Really think about it.

And now when you think about how hard and uncomfortable it is to get unstuck, to move, to take action… is the payoff worth it? Is being able to take your kids to the park on a Tuesday at 10 am worth it? Is being able to get out of debt worth it? Is being able to have this outlet so you can not only be the best version of yourself but the best mom for your kids, worth it?

I would bet money it is.

Time to move baby, you’ve got this.


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