36: How We Can Use the Enneagram to Inform Our Parenting with Enneagram Expert (and Mom of Two), Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober

You have heard me talk about the enneagram here on the podcast before but what you might be surprised by is that the enneagram can be a great tool to use to inform our parenting.

Today’s episode is actually our very first guest episode and I had the honor of interviewing one of my dear friends that you may know as Enneagram Ashton on Instagram, Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober! Ashton is an Enneagram consultant, speaker, educator, author (of THREE books I might had), and she is also a mom of two.

So whether you know nothing about the enneagram or you are obsessed just like me, this episode is for you! 


✿ Follow Ashton on Instagram: @enneagramashton

Take the enneagram test (Ashton's favorite)

All of Ashton's Enneagram Resources


✿ Follow us on Instagram:  @yourbffkate

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37: [PEP TALK] It Feels Hard Because It Is Hard