My 2023 Reflection & What’s to Come in 2024

Man, it is WILD to me that we are in 2024. January however felt like it was 65 days long, anyone else feel that way? Honestly, I recall thinking that every single january so I actually googled it haha. Like why does January always feel like it was a year-long, and basically what I read was that it comes down to the post-holiday “come down”, and the month that many people are getting back into routines after what was maybe months with Q4 and holidays so it can feel really mundane. I also read that it has to do with it being dark and cold in most places in the US but I can’t relate here in AZ bc as I am recording this, it’s 80 degrees outside lol. So it’s basically summer here, but I am still trying to get what I can out of my sweaters and leggings OKAY so say nothing when you see me sweating, alright?

So anyway, we are back with the podcast after much deliberation and I want to not only talk about why but also just my reflection on 2023 and what I am excited about in 2024 and also what YOU Can expect this year!

If you have listened to the podcast or have followed me on Instagram you know that 2023 was a tough year for me both personally and professionally. I was really in the trenches with that first year postpartum with my second, I was diagnosed with postpartum depression in the spring, along with finally uncovering an ADHD diagnosis I had been suspecting for a while but was becoming rather debilitating - there were changes with my business, and my husband’s job, and our childcare situations and really 2023 turned out to be the year where we were just trying things and seeing what worked.

I lovingly have decided to refer to 2023 as my buffet year. The year were I was trying a little bit of everything, ya know, like at a buffet haha. Anyone else have found memories of Golden Corral when they were younger? There was nothing like it haha.

But in December, I felt just about as defeated as I possibly could have been. 

Reflecting on the year and looking ahead to the next I felt like I had made no progress. That I was in the same position I was at the beginning of 2023 and that just felt so uncomfortable to me. But after some reflection, chatting with some friends, and therapy (shoutout to therapy, one of the best things to come out of 2023) I decided that I did make a lot of progress actually. I figured out 1) what things worked and 2) what things didn’t work and I have been able to come into 2024 really strong and with a lot of clarity because of it.

So 2023 was my buffet year. And I am really grateful for it because while it feels like I am in the same place as I was at the beginning of 2023 (more specifically, I am running the same businesses, with the same/similar offers, as I was back then aka I made alot of pivots just to pivot back to the original concept lol like this podcast), I really gave myself permission to figure it out and that’s something a lot of people don’t do. So I am glad I took the time for that, even if I didn’t know that’s how the year would have turned out if you asked me in January 2023.

That being said, I know it’s cliche to say “2024 is my year” but y’all, 2024 is my year. And maybe not in a “everything is going top go perfectly and swimmingly and I am not going to have to change a thing and I won’t have any trials because I’m not delusional lol. But I do have a sense of belief in myself, my callings, and my gifts that I spend a lot of 2023 questioning. And tbh I am going to do a whole episode on imposter syndrome and self doubt because I know I am not the only person who has had to deal with this, but man, that was what 2023 was for me.

Okay that’s not what all of 2023 was for me. There were a lot of beautiful things to come out of 2023. Like I said, therapy lol one of the best things. Also spending so much time with my kids, they are growing so fast. Jackson turned 1 and Luke turned 3 and no I am not okay. Curtis and I were just talking about the fact that this year they will be 2 and 4 and that makes me even more not okay so theres that. We moved into our home which we love and my husband got an amazing job in the industry that he loves. I made some really solid friends last year and spent more time prioritizing friendships than I probably have since college. And I also grew a ton in my faith, got more involved with our church, and actually got baptized at the end of last year. So I know I kinda rag on 2023 because there were a lot of hard parts, but there were also a lot of amazing parts, too.

But let’s talk about 2024. I decided that my word for 2024 is bold, because I want to take bold action in my business, personal life, faith… and quite frankly, I am kinda over trying to make myself smaller for other peoples comfort, and sometimes even my own. This surprises people when I talk about it because I have been on social media for so long (over 6 years now), but I am 10000% an introvert. I am not the person to strike up a conversation IRL, I am typically not the “first move” kinda girl, and I am 100% sweating and begging to not be called on in a class or event because I might just black out if I have to speak and I haven’t spent hours preparing.

I am much more comfortable just hanging out, being the best supporting actor. I mean come on my business and this podcast is LITERALLY Your Behind the Scenes BFF, not the “center stage BFF” for a reason, ya know? 😜

But in 2024, I’m being bold, because I believe that is exactly what God is calling me to do. To stop playing small and step into my full potential and not in a way that is like “hey look at me” but in a way that gives him the glory and helps OTHER WOMEN step into their calling, too.

So through this blog, the podcast and Your Behind the Scenes BFF as a whole, you will get more and more education and coaching on how to build and scale your business as a virtual assistant or freelancer. Through courses, digital products, this podcast, guest interviews, and more – I want to help you go after the life you have always wanted because I believe it’s possible for you.

Oh and if you love and are a part of Mom’s Day Out, don’t worry – that community isn’t going anywhere, in fact, it’s only growing and expanding this year so make sure to follow up on our socials for all the updates to come.

As I am writing this… I am really realizing that maybe 2024 isnt MY year after all. Yes, there are so many goals and dreams I have going into this year, but as I am sitting here really thinking about it and what I want 2024 to be… 2024 is OUR year.

Our year to say yes to things that make us sweat.

Our year to take action on the dream we’ve tucked away and hidden from the rest of the world.

Our year to follow our callings and use our gifts to serve the world.

Our year to lift each other up and cheer each other on and think “if she can, so can I”

Our year to bet on ourselves.

Are you ready? If not, that’s okay. Let’s do it anyway. Together. Let’s make 2024 OUR YEAR because we get to choose, and doesn’t that sound a lot more exciting than the alternative?


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