hi, i’m kate!

I help women build
businesses as virtual assistants so they can create a life they love, and a schedule to match.

Maybe you can relate…

❊ You like, maybe even love, your 9-5, but you feel like maybe there is something else out there for you

❊ You are a SAHM mom who is looking to bring in an income, without sacrificing time with your babies

❊ You are organized, detail-oriented, love helping people and you want to build a business using those gifts

❊ You have always loved the idea of starting your own business and working from home, but you aren’t even sure where to start

Don’t worry, you are in the right place!

  • Start Your VA Business

    Our Beginner to Booked VA™ program is perfect for someone who is ready to go all in and kickstart their journey as a VA!

  • Digital Resource Shop

    Our library has a variety of digital products that you can use to not only start your business but manage and scale it, too!

  • Looking to Hire a VA?

    Your BTS BFF Connect program was designed to connect you with graduates from our program so you can find your new BTS BFF!

a little about me…

I am a teacher turned entrepreneur, a wife and a mom to two toddlers (3 and 16 months).

In the Spring of 2022, while I was seven months pregnant and with a toddler on my hip, I was looking for an opportunity to bring in an income for my family, while also being a SAHM. I had heard of being a virtual assistant, and had even worked with one in a prior business I had, and thought maybe that would be a good fit! Within one week of launching my business I was completely booked out with clients and Your Behind the Scenes BFF® was born! ✨

Now, Your BTS BFF’s mission is to help women just like you build a business and create an income as a virtual assistant so you can create a life you love and a schedule to match!

I am so glad you are here!