10 Reasons You Should Become a Virtual Assistant

If you stumbled upon this blog post, you are likely curious about becoming a virtual assistant, and to that, I say congratulations! Taking the first step to research and see if it is the right fit for you is a great start! For me personally, becoming a VA and starting my agency was one of the best things I have ever done, especially for the season of life I was/am entering at the time I am writing this post! But we aren’t here to talk about me, we are here to talk about YOU and 10 reasons why you should becoming a virtual assistant.

01. You are hard working, organized, and detail oriented.

This is a big one right here because as a VA, you are responsible for supporting your clients and getting -ish done in a way that is up to high standards of excellence. In order to do that, you have to make sure you are paying attention to details, even the smallest ones, you are organized (especially if you have more than one client), and you are willing to work hard because like any business, it will take work!

02. You enjoy supporting others.

A virtual assistants job is a supportive role in someone’s company or business, therefore, if you like supporting others, this might be a really great fit for you! You are actively taking tasks off of peoples plates and helping them stay in their zone of genius and doing what they love, which often isn’t the behind the scenes work you are doing as a VA.

03. You are looking for a way to supplement your income with your 9-5.

Working as a VA is a really great side hustle! You can take on as many clients or hours as you would like, can easily work it around whatever schedule you already have in place with your 9-5, and you could bring in a pretty great part-time income! In fact I would say MOST people start out as VA’s part time, alongside whatever it is they are doing full time. 

04. You want to generate a full time income from home.

On the flip side, maybe you are someone that wants to scale your business to doing it full time and creating that full time income, there is room for that too! Obviously it will take time and won’t happen over night, but the range for what VA’s make is between $20-60 an hour for basic admin related work, and if you decide to level up to an OBM (online business manager) or you want to specialize in something specific, like social media management, you will see an increase in those rates! Plus, since it’s virtual, you get to do it all from the comfort of your home!

05. You want to build a business without a huge overhead.

Online, service-based business in general require a much smaller overhead cost than starting a brick and mortar business, or even a product based business. There is very little you have to invest in right away, and can slowing add things in as your business grows. I will have a blog post coming in the future of exactly what my overhead looked like when I started as a VA, but for now, think about just website or program subscriptions you want to use personally (which many are free or have a free option you can start out with), and any training or courses you want to take to hone in on your skills and processes.

06. You love systems, processes, and checking things off a to-do list.

Being a virtual assistant is very task-driven. You will also likely be learning a ton of different systems and processes with your clients, but aside from this being work with your clients, you will need to come up with systems and processes for your own business as well. So if those are things you enjoy, you are in the right place!

07. You are looking for something that is flexible with time.

Since you are working virtually and from home, there is a ton of flexibility with your work schedule. All clients will have deadlines and certain days certain things need to get done, however, most (if not all) will be more than okay with you getting your tasks done whenever, as long as it is before those deadlines! So if you are working a full time job, you’re juggling motherhood and building your business, maybe even both or  anything in between, you can create your own schedule! For example, the majority of my work gets done during my son’s nap time, after he goes to bed, or when he is playing at the kids gym (our gym has childcare you can use for up to 2 hours a day as long as you stay in the facility so I usually workout for 45-60 minutes and then take an hour to finish up any work tasks I need to). Also, you decide how many hours you work and how many clients you take on so you can create a schedule that works best for you! I am a huge proponent of building a business/career that supports your life, not the other way around, and I think being a VA leaves a lot of room for that. 

08. You enjoy learning new things.

Every client and business is different, so you will likely be learning new things constantly. And if you are wanting to maybe scale to an OBM or niche your services, you will want to dive deep into some knowledge in specific areas, systems, and strategies to not only benefit your clients, but your own business as well! There is always a new website, tool, or platform to learn, and continuing education is really important so that you can offer top of the line services!

09. You consider yourself multi-passionate.

One thing I love about being a virtual assistant or OBM is the fact you can be in several different industries without being IN the industry. For example, all of my clients are in service-based industries, but they are all completely different in terms of their actual business. So it is really cool to dip my toe in all these different areas as someone who is multi-passionate! Also, there are just so many ways you can scale your business as a VA, so many directions you can take your business, and for someone that doesn’t like to be boxed in (hi, it’s me), this is a dream come true.

10. You can relate to most, if not all, of the above.

If you have made it this far, chances are you can relate to most, if not all, of the reasons you should become a VA! Maybe you are nodding along thinking “Yep, that’s me! And that too!”?! Then I say go for it! You never know what is on the other side of that yes!!

And if you want to get started, but don’t know where to begin, I have a course of you! Check out the details and enroll before July 15 when doors close until the fall!


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